Wednesday 29th April 2015


Today is mostly about Marie-T. She brought in some pieces that she had made at home. This one is made of t-shirts hooked into hessian


and this is the reverse, beautifully made


and just a little detail showing the hessian layer which she has cleverly covered over


Marie-T has made a cushion cover from her piece she wove on the frame loom


and this is the reverse, complete with zip


This week she started warping up a four shaft table loom with the warp she made last week, assisted by Maria. Going well, raddled and wound on beautifully neatly, good team work


and the heddle threading is going well. Nearly ready to weave, but unfortunately she won’t be able to come for a couple of sessions. She will be preparing her t-shirt yarn for when she comes back though


Mair’s weaving

Flome and Tika both started new warps, Christina carried on with her piece and Elizabeth and Jenny did some spindle spinning.

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